Fine Tuner is a reliable tuning application that uses your device's microphone to detect notes with efficiency and precision. It supports a wide range of instruments, making it a versatile tool for all musicians, whether beginners or experts.
Key Features
Supported Tunings
- Standard tunings: Suitable for most instruments.
- Alternative tunings: Specifically designed for guitars and basses.
Ease of Use
The interface is designed to be intuitive, making the app accessible to everyone.
Getting Started
Choosing a Tuning Type
On the first launch, you’ll need to select your tuning type from a predefined list. If your instrument isn’t listed, choose Chromatic mode, which automatically detects the played note.

Microphone Permissions
Fine Tuner requires permission to use the microphone to analyze sound frequencies. If you deny this request, you can reactivate permission by tapping the microphone icon. After two denials, you’ll need to enable this permission through your device’s settings.

An amplitude gauge on the screen lets you verify that the microphone is working properly.
Tuning Modes
- Automatic mode (open padlock): Automatically detects notes played within the selected tuning’s range.
- Manual mode (closed padlock): Allows you to select the note to tune manually using the note selector.
Note Selector
In Manual mode, tap a note to select it. In Automatic mode, Fine Tuner automatically selects the closest detected note.

Note Display
Main note: Displayed in the center, representing the detected note.

Semitones: Displayed on either side of the main note.
- Target frequency.
- Current frequency detected by Fine Tuner.
- Difference in cents (positive if above target, negative if below).

Adjustment Views
Precision View
Default precision zone: ±50 cents. A needle indicates your position relative to the target frequency. A green zone (±5 cents) marks perfect tuning.
Extended View
Offers a wide display range of up to ±1000 cents. Ideal for visualizing your position outside the precision zone.

Chromatic Mode
In Chromatic mode, Fine Tuner automatically detects the played notes. The note selector is not available in this mode.
Successful Tuning
A note is properly tuned when:
- The needle in the Precision View is within the green zone.
- The main note is displayed with a green background.
- Reference frequency: Adjustable between 400 Hz and 480 Hz (default: 440 Hz).
- Temperament: Equal, Pythagorean or Meantone.
- Pitch deviation tolerance: Adjustable (default: ±50 cents).
- Note display type: Standard or Latin.
- Amplitude Gain: Calibrates microphone sensitivity.
- Accidentals display type: Choose between sharps (#) or flats (b).
- Reset: Restores default preferences.

Changing Tuning
From the main screen, tap the displayed tuning at the top to open the tuning selection screen.

If you have questions or suggestions, contact UrionSoft at